You were created for a reason. Defining your purpose will work to energize you.
You can understand the deeper meaning behind life's events. Discover your higher calling!
Every right decision invites the vitalizing energy of inspiration to improve your reality.
Life's spiritual energy changes your nature in a meaningful way. Align and reap the rewards today!
Now is the time to learn.
Simple, step-by-step.
Align with your vitality.
Be attuned to inspiration.
Learn how in 21 basic steps.
Invest wisely, reap rewards.
The demands of a 21st century life are greater than ever before. How will you stay focused on what is important? How do you attain the wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions leading to an abundant life?
Spaceman's Dilemma offers the framework to help you build a course for attaining your best and highest results.
How should you choose? Find out today!
Spaceman's Dilemma is the first in a series of Songbooks™ brought to you by The Pine Needle Man™. These Multi-Touch books are designed to help you learn more about your inner spiritual nature.
Each Multi-Touch Book is full of features and info that will change your life for the better. Enter in and make the rewards your own!
Multi-Touch… what does it offer more than standard EPUB reading? The differences between Multi-Touch and EPUB are numerous, but primarily they are about the added visual and audible stimulation. EPUB is text based, while Multi-Touch adds a list of interesting and intriguing features such as: Interactive Images, Hypertext Links, Digital Music, HD Video, Sound Effects recordings, Graphically Enhanced Landscape and Portrait views, Original Art, References, and digital hyperlinks throughout. Try it. You may find you prefer the wider adventure of having all your senses stimulated.
Multi-Touch, a uniquely different 21st century experience.
Art with Values™ publishes the original art library of The Pine Needle Man™, in four distinct art series for a 21st century world. A special project, 365 Lyrics™, is a 365 day lyrical journey in spiritual growth using art, music, and literature for every day of the year. Be artistically inspired… Art with Values™.
PNM Music publishes the original music library of The Pine Needle Man™. Each song is focused on the grander topic of the human search for truth. From instrumentals to production songs to ballad songs that share stories of truth for a world in need. Listen to the music free or buy on iTunes.
Triflection Press™ publishes an original literature library by The Pine Needle Man™. Books ranging from multiple nonfiction and fictional works to character building books for the next generation are based upon one connecting theme, a deeper understanding of spiritual growth in a 21st century world.